Mexico City
San Miguel de Allende

What do we talk about when we talk about inhabiting?

Inhabiting our authenticity: our philosophy.

A person inhabits themselves, while also inhabiting spaces. However, the spaces themselves inhabit us, condition us, and shape us in return. It could be said that we constantly occupy a place in space, just as space occupies a place within us; a physical place, but also a metaphorical, emotional, and identity-related place.

All of the above raises questions that confront us when making the decision - from this conscious perspective - of how to build relationships with the spaces we inhabit, and how these spaces in turn shape and influence us. Are we the ones who should adapt our authenticity, character, and way of being in life to the space, or should the space itself adapt to us? To what extent can we consider a place our own if we do not feel it as such? Or, in other words, to what extent does a place belong to us if we do not belong to it? And, ultimately, what should our relationship be with the space we inhabit, considering that this same space shapes us internally?

What do we talk about when we talk about living authentically, if not about having full awareness of who we are and how we inhabit others and everything else? What do we talk about when we talk about imagining, if not about taking a journey with our minds through other facets equally stored within us? What do we talk about when we talk about inhabiting, if not about constantly conquering space through tangible expressions of our inner self?

Claudia Grajales and María José Reynoso.

We are Claudia and María José, pillars of CORE.

We have a message for you:

From our perspective, space belongs to you, it embraces you and welcomes you only when your soul, essence, Being or, according to our own words, your Core, manages to merge with it. And that - essential and sensitively - is the journey we invite you to have with us: to inhabit yourself while inhabiting space, to belong to yourself and to belong, to imagine and create, to design tangible expressions of a space worthy of being occupied by who you are and stop giving in to spaces that do not belong to you because you have not claimed them.

Claiming your space and your belonging, while imagining and creating an environment that reflects your deepest authenticity.

It is what we want to do with you.

Claudia from Majo‘s perspective.

“Claudia always finds a way to solve challenges to achieve the goal set in the project; she proposes and offers creative solutions. This teaches us to think outside the box. She remains open to learning new things and that opens up a new perspective for all of us. I consider her a great teacher, and I believe that through Claudia‘s guidance, clients also manage to understand and know themselves better.

With Claudia, nothing is a formula, each project is unique”.


What Majo admires about Claudia:

Her over 25 years of experience.
The power she has to observe and understand all of us at a very human level.
The ways she constantly seeks to connect with people.
She never settles; she always finds a way to go beyond and surpass herself.

The professional trajectory that Claudia embodies:

Founder of CORE.
Over 25 years of experience.
Member of the editorial board of Architectural Digest Mexico and LATAM.
Creative Color Trends Comex 2024‘

Majo from Claudia‘s perspective.

“Majo has lived among fabrics, materials, and quotes all her life. She has a very keen eye for detail. It is admirable her great ease and flexibility to understand people and their needs. She always has a unique point of view that allows us to dialogue and build using the same language, enriching all projects. It is very enriching to work with María José, she always delivers good results.

I admire the respect she has for life, people, and work”.


What Claudia admires about Majo:

The patience she has to observe and execute projects.
The freshness and respect with which she relates to clients as people.
Her capacity and open-mindedness to constantly learn and grow.
Her great respect for people and work.

Majo‘s professional background:

Project Manager at CORE.
Interior design expert.
Specialist in turnkey installations.