
There is a place that contains who we are:
Our Core.


From our perspective, space belongs to you, embraces you, and welcomes you only when your soul, essence, Being, or, in our own words, your Core, merges with it. And that —essential and sensitively— is the journey we invite you to have with us: to inhabit yourself by inhabiting space, to belong to yourself and to belong, to imagine and create, to design tangible expressions of a space worthy of being occupied by who you are and to stop yielding to spaces that do not belong to you because you have not claimed them.


Living is our philosophy.

A person inhabits themselves, while also inhabiting spaces. However, the spaces themselves inhabit us, condition us, and shape us in return. It could be said that we constantly occupy a place in space, just as space occupies a place within us; a physical place, but also a metaphorical, emotional, and identity-related place.

We want you to know more about our philosophy.

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Our job is to accompany you on the journey to inhabit your spaces. We have been making it tangible for over twenty years through professionalism and experience in interior architecture, lighting design, interior design, styling, art curation, and space creation consulting.

Inhabiting goes beyond techniques, color schemes, or furniture. Inhabiting is our philosophy and the result of putting our experience into practice for you and your spaces.

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Imagine the following: a space where creators, architecture, design enthusiasts, history, and the most authentic expressions of furniture, lighting, and art come together. That space is our Core, our center. The place where the essence of our work is expressed in a more sensitive, direct, and real way.

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